Bootcamp – THATCamp Humanities + Engineering 2013 Humanities + Engineering Mon, 14 Oct 2013 22:18:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Robots and Humans Thu, 22 Aug 2013 15:52:37 +0000
Cherrice Traver, Nick Webb, Union College
The idea that machines could replace humans is both intriguing and perhaps terrifying. So how do robots work anyway? How easy is it to make one do something simple, like move around? How about something complicated, like moving around without bumping into things? This workshop will allow participants to explore these and other questions about robotics as they follow instructions for making a robot do some tasks. Computers, Mindstorm robots, and a graphical tool for instructing the robot will be provided.
Arduino Bootcamp Wed, 21 Aug 2013 05:30:02 +0000

Wenhua Shi, Colgate University

Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical world than your desktop computer. It’s an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a development environment for writing software for the board. In this hour long MAKE session with demonstrations of a few prototypes and art projects, participants will build paper circuits and learn a beginner level of Arduino programming.

Philosophy & Technology Session Mon, 19 Aug 2013 21:49:41 +0000

“I For One Welcome Our New Robot Overlords”

Doug Klein, Union College

Should you be allowed to use genetic testing and engineering to ensure that your baby is not pre-disposed to certain genetically-linked illnesses? How about choosing the gender of your baby?  Or eye color? Or height; strength; musical talent; intelligence?

What about machines?  How intelligent can we make them?  How intelligent should we make them?  Can we make them intelligent enough that they can go on and make themselves more intelligent – sometimes called “the singularity”?  Should we?

Science and engineering seems to know no bounds, and is rapidly developing the ability to do all this and more.  Since there were humans, Humanists have speculated about the consequences of human actions – think Prometheus, Adam and Eve, through Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus and Carl Kapek’s robot play, “R.U.R.”  In 2000, Bill Joy, the co-founder of Sun Microsystems, wrote an article for Wired, called “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us.”  In it he argues that technology will make humans obsolete.  The Joy article (ironically named) is worth a look. Here is a response to Joy by John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid.  You can decide which side has the stronger case.

All this points to the enduring question, “Do We Control Technology or Does Technology Control Us?”  Wouldn’t it be ironic if the defining feature of humans – the use of tools – proves to be our undoing.  Or, as Elizabeth Kolbert glumly concludes in her 2006 book, Field Notes from a Catastrophe, “It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the process of doing.”

And so the question: What more can the Humanities contribute to tame this whirlwind?  (Whatever it is contributing now does not seem to be enough.)  Or is the role of the Humanities just to keep us distracted, content, and out of the way?


I for one welcome our new robot overlords

THATCamp          Union College         September 26-27 2013

 Technology in control in the Movies

2001: A Space Odyssey: I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I cannot do that.

WALL-E – Directive A113

I Robot      Trailer       Introduction to VIKI     Destruction of VIKI

The Matrix      The pills            The ending

Iron Man     Trailer

Planet of the Apes     Ending

Technology not quite in control in the real world

Observers of the growth of technological control

E.F. Forrester, “The Machine Stops”

Karl Capek, R.U.R.

Eric Drexler, Engines of Creation
Assemblers will be able to make virtually anything from common materials without labor, replacing smoking factories with systems as clean as forests. They will transform technology and the economy at their roots, opening a new world of possibilities. They will indeed be engines of abundance.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, “The Future of Happiness,” in James Brockman, ed., The Next Fifty Years: Science in the First Half of the Twenty-First Century, pp. 102-103.
In the past, we were like passengers on the slow coach of evolution. Now, evolution is more like a rocket hurtling through space, and we are no longer passengers, but its pilots.  What kind of human beings are we going to create?

Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants, p. 12
[The technium is] a self-reinforcing system of creation. At some point in its evolution, our system of tools and machines and ideas became so dense in feedback loops and complex interactions that it spawned a bit of independence.  It began to exercise some autonomy.

Pandora’s Seed: The Unforeseen Cost of Civilization, Spencer Wells, pp. 52-53
We now come to the crux of what this book is all about.  When our ancestors created agriculture around 10,000 years ago, they had no idea of what other changes they were setting in motion.  They were simply responding to an immediate need for more reliable sources of food during a time of climatic stress, obviously making decisions about the future based on the near term rather than how events might ultimately play out.  …  Instead of relying on nature’s plenty, they were creating it for themselves.  By doing so they divorced themselves – and us – from millions of years of evolutionary history, charting a new course into the future without a map to guide them through the pitfalls that would appear over the subsequent ten millennia.

David Christian: Big History: The History of our World in 18 Minutes
So, here we are, back at the convention center. We’ve been on a journey, a return journey, of 13.7 billion years. I hope you agree that this is a powerful story. And it’s a story in which humans play an astonishing and creative role. But it also contains warnings. Collective learning is a very, very powerful force, and it’s not clear that we humans are in charge of it.


3D Printing Bootcamp Mon, 19 Aug 2013 21:45:57 +0000

Ann Anderson, John Rieffel, Union College

Are you interested in knowing more about the basics of 3D Printing?  Perhaps you have wondered about the ways in which your teaching (or your research) might be augmented or changed by incorporating 3D Printing techniques?  If so, please join us for this interactive, hands-on boot camp led by Ann Anderson and John Rieffel (Union College).  One of our goals for the event is to reach across the disciplines in order to integrate 3D printing into the humanities and social sciences.  During this 90-minute event, we will provide a very brief introduction to 3D Printing, engage in a conversation together about the possible ways in which 3D Printing might help us to cross and/or bridge divisional or departmental divides in research and teaching, and actually print out during the event a 3D model, based on audience interests, questions, and ideas.

Digital Map Storytelling Bootcamp Mon, 19 Aug 2013 21:40:26 +0000

Alex Chaucer, Skidmore College

In this hour long MAKE session, participants will learn how digital mapping tools, such as ArcGIS Online and Google Earth, can be used for telling geographic stories and sharing online. Included in the session will be a hands on activity including mapping a spreadsheet of coordinates in ArcGIS Online, and georeferencing a historic map in Google Earth, creating a .kmz file, and creating a tour. Examples will be shown of other extensions of these tools in the digital humanities and other similar products. Session is geared toward the introductory user with no experience with mapping tools.

Prerequisite: Please come to the session with Google Earth installed on your computer and having created a free ArcGIS Online account with username and password.

Makerspace Bootcamp Mon, 19 Aug 2013 21:35:35 +0000

Meg Worley, Colgate University

Makerspaces (aka hacklabs, hackerspaces, hacker dojos, etc.) are communal workshops where members share tools, ideas, and skills to build physical objects.  We will be focusing on makerspaces within the educational environment — how to start one at your institution (gathering support, planning space, considering technical requirements, lining up funding) and how to integrate it into both the curriculum and the life of the campus.  This will be half bootcamp and half brainstorming session, and it should be of equal appeal to those new to the idea and those who are already deeply involved in thriving makerspaces.

Music and Electrical Engineering Bootcamp Mon, 19 Aug 2013 21:28:51 +0000

Palma Catravas, John Cox, Dianne McMullen, Union College

Come experience a real world example of how a collaboration between Music and Electrical Engineering provides an interdisciplinary experience for students.  Participate in singing and recording a well-known folk melody with Union’s Camerata Singers and a music history class in several locations on campus and then come back to listen and analyze those sound recordings with students taking a course in digital signal processing.  Participants will leave with an understanding of how these two disciplines can be integrated to provide students experiences from two very different perspectives.
